Orascom Development

Orascom Development

How we found an opportunity through crisis 

While COVID-19 impacted all business globally, the tourism sector was exceptionally hit hard. In its early stages in Egypt, however, statistics continued to show that the Red Sea had zero cases. 

PR Opportunity

With the obsessive media focus on the pandemic, the idea was to leverage on this opportunity in telling the other positive side of the story. We invited international and European foreign correspondents working in Egypt to visit El Gouna to see and report on the tourism scene, the COVID-19 measures in place, as well as the readiness of El Gouna Hospital. 

The Result

The press trip generated impressive media coverage led by the Associated Press, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, Agenzia Nova and Al Rai; and articles were carried globally by local and international media, generating a PR value of almost $ 6 million. 

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